Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Health Report Warns Consumers on Dangers of Excess Belly Fat in Men

A new health report that was published by the Centre of Inflammation and Metabolism in Copenhagen warns men about the dangers and risks that are associated with carrying too many pounds around your midsection. Even more shocking is that for those who leave such pounds unchecked, the risks of contracting illnesses as a result skyrocket.

The report from the Centre of Inflammation and Metabolism in Copenhagen, that was later published in the Chicago Tribunes Health section cites – from both the report and the news medium,

“What the researchers discovered is that such a sharp drop-off in daily activity spiraled the study volunteers into unhealthy territory, and quick. Within two weeks, the men were showing signs of increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and other causes of premature death. One particularly alarming result was the men's insulin levels, on average, increased 60 percent. Such an insulin surge occurs because the body is no longer efficient at converting food into energy. In short, the men's metabolisms were misfiring. Plus, abdominal fat was up 7 percent in two weeks without the males even gaining an extra pound.”

(Source: Internet, 2009; Chicago Tribune; Health Section.)
Now on to the good news....

For men who are working out and trying to maintain that healthy and sexy, desirable figure, sometimes it can feel like an uphill battle that is seemingly impossible to win. However, there are some ways that you can easily take control of your undesired abdominal fat. Dermacut offers such a way by using the power of PROVEN science to help you burn off that fat and keep it off for good.

You can learn more about this amazing cream at:

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